Living Dead Dolls | |

Angus Litilrott

Living Dead Dolls | Series 8 | Angus Litilrott

Date of death: 4/11/1890 at 12:29pm

What was it that resurrected him is unknown, But at the stroke of midnight his face shall not be shown. Be fair warned if you must have a look, You risk getting mauled by Litilrot's hook!

A stranger said to Angus, "Do you want some candy?" "Why thank you kind sir," replied Angus, "that would be dandy." But when he reached down into the dark box Angus hesitated, "Come, come now, your treat is free and sweet," the stranger debated. "To pass up such an opportunity would classify you a chump!" Angus couldn't resist, drove in his fist and pulled back a bloody stump! Euphorically light headed he gasped his last breath, And our poor little Angus Litilrot sat there and bled to death.

Angus was released with 3 different head variants. Remove the sack to unveil which version you own.